Author: Chad Hetherington

Business, Marketing

Local marketing is often one of the first things small businesses do when they launch their inaugural product or service—and it’s a great thing! It’s a strategy that localizes a business’s marketing to a certain radius and tailors its messaging and tactics to that…


Content is King—this we’ve established. But it also means that Content Marketing—the development and distribution of content as a marketing strategy—is also royalty. And while the premise sounds simple, there’s a lot that goes into a successful content marketing strategy; some obvious, some not…

Ux design, Web Design

Your website is likely the first interaction your potential customers will have with your brand. It’s also very probable that they will make a purchasing decision quickly based on their first impression of you. So what makes a website ‘good’, how does its design…

Digital Storytelling, Social Media, Video

Video is everywhere. And as today’s largest social media platforms unequivocally prove, short-form video is King. But what defines a short-form video, where did it all start, and how can you make the most of it? What exactly is short-form video? A definitive definition…


Metrics are an important part of any business, and there are thousands upon thousands of trackable metrics that a business can monitor. However, some are more important — or more valuable — than others. Here’s a rundown on 6 marketing metrics that we believe…

Marketing, Social Media

We feel like taking a break from the usual content today, so here, enjoy these digital marketing memes that we found particularly funny. Because we all need a little bit of funny to break up the day. Keywords, keywords, keywords. Is there such a…

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