Here at Jester, we believe that telling a good story is the single most effective way to boost your online presence. But it can be a challenge to come up with those stories in your business. Today, we’re providing a little more insight on…
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Here at Jester, we believe that telling a good story is the single most effective way to boost your online presence. But it can be a challenge to come up with those stories in your business. Today, we’re providing a little more insight on…
In the next instalment of our 20 questions feature, we find out what there is to know about Jen, our fearless Creative Director. Do you have a nickname? Not that I respond to Hometown? Toronto aka The Six Dog or Cat? Dog (#hunterthewonderdoodle) First…
You’ve built a comprehensive and solid strategy. You’ve studied your audience. You’ve come up with some engaging campaigns, rolled them out, and measured the results. And you’ve done all this consistently and are now reaping the rewards of your social media prowess. Sound like…
We thought it would be fun to tell you a bit more about ourselves, so you can get to know Team Jester a bit better. Here are 20 questions that will do just that! Do you have a nickname? Sue, SuzieQ, Subaroo, The Muse, Smurphy…
What’s your story? We’d love to hear about it.
Better yet, let us help you tell it.
Provide us with a few details and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.
The more information you provide, the better. We want to work with you to find the best solutions possible for your project and ensure that we’re helping you meet your objectives within your timeline and budget. Thanks and we will be in touch shortly!