For generations, the greatest storytellers have crafted stories that resonate with their audiences. William Shakespeare, Walt Disney, Margaret Atwood, and Steve Jobs are just a few examples of great storytellers who have had the power to entertain us, change our perceptions, and embrace our humanity. 

But what about storytelling as it applies to your digital marketing efforts? We know that stories can compel people to change their behaviours, and ultimately, in marketing, that’s what we want to do. But how does a good story do this? Let’s explore. 

Feel the Feelings

Storytelling can help your brand create an emotional connection with your audience. It’s important to share stories that resonate on a personal level with people. What do you want them to feel? Joy? Concern? Surprise? Something else? Developing a story that your audience can FEEL, and really relate to, fosters brand loyalty and trust, which are critical to success in any marketing effort. Remember, people are more likely to remember and engage with a brand that makes them feel something, so tell your story in a way that evokes emotion, and you can’t go wrong. 

Set Yourself Apart

The digital world is a noisy one, and it’s only getting noisier! In today’s crowded marketplace, solid storytelling can set your brand apart from competitors. Finding your unique and compelling narrative while highlighting your brand’s values, mission and personality will make you stand out from the crowd. Rather than just listing product features or benefits, how can you wrap your brand attributes into an interesting story? This will make you much more relatable and memorable. 

Keep Them Coming Back

According to a study by Headstream, if people love a brand story, 55% are more likely to buy the product in the future, 44% will share the story, and 15% will buy the product immediately. What does this mean for your brand? The fact is that well-crafted stories captivate audiences and keep them engaged longer than traditional advertising methods. Creating story-based content encourages sharing, discussions, and repeat visits, and that’s exactly what we want! Increased engagement can lead to higher retention rates, as customers are more likely to return to a brand they find compelling and engaging.

Simplify, Then Simplify Some More

Have you ever had to try explaining a complex concept to someone? It’s easy to get mired in the technical jargon, and sometimes it’s a struggle to get your message across. 

Great stories can make complex or technical information much more understandable and relatable for your audience. By framing information within a story narrative, you can communicate your brand’s message more effectively. This is particularly useful in industries where products or services might be more complex. Educating and informing potential customers, and being there to guide existing customers through more complicated things goes a long way to building trust.

Oh The Humanity

Effective storytelling can humanize your brand by showcasing real people, real problems, and real solutions. This could be done through customer testimonials, employee stories, or taking your audience on a journey through some aspect of your brand’s activities. Adding a human touch makes your brand appear much more approachable and trustworthy. This is crucial in building long-term relationships with your audience and for earning a reputation of being a “human” organization. 

So, next time you set out to create content for your brand, consider these storytelling ideas in your process. You’ll be doing yourself, and your audience a huge favour.