I think it’s safe to say, by now, most companies understand that cultivating a strong social media presence is a necessity. A recent survey by the IPSOS Open Thinking Exchange showed that 18 to 34 year-olds are spending 3.8 hours per day on social media. It has influenced communication, consumer purchasing patterns, brand recognition, and so much more. Social media is a powerful tool business can use to connect with consumers, increase brand awareness and generate more revenue.

That being said, just like any other tool, it only works if you use it properly. Merely setting up a company Facebook page and posting ads promoting your services will not get you very far with the online community.

You see, at its essence, social media is about creating a connection. If you went out to lunch with someone and all they did was talk about themselves and tell you all the wonderful things they can do, would you want to hang out with that person again?

NO! They sound like they’re the worst.

You want to hang out with people who engage in a conversation with you. That’s what draws you in and keeps you coming back for more; active, involved engagement.

Well, companies need to take this same approach when cultivating their social media presence. They need to participate and interact with their followers because, if done correctly, a solid social media campaign can generate incredible results.

Case in Point: Wendy’s

So, in 2017 the fast-food chain Wendy’s decided to embark on a bold and hilarious Twitter campaign. Not only did they begin responding to their follower’s tweets, but they also started commenting on and trolling (making fun of) their competition.

These little one-liners and cheeky jokes might not seem like an effective advertising strategy, but the proof is in the Frosty!

This social media campaign led to Wendy’s experiencing a 49.7% growth in profit from $129.6 million to $194 million for the year. That’s a 65-million-dollar bump in sales! They also gained over 400,000 new Twitter followers in the span of 6 months, and their posts are averaging over 10,000 shares and 30,000 likes. Not bad for a few cheeky one-liners.

So, how can you follow in Wendy’s footsteps?

Well, step one is to complete a social media audit. (Something in which we here at Jester just happen to be experts)

A Social Media Audit is just an inventory of your current social media presence. Check out this example:

Site Followers Page Likes Picture Likes Post Likes Video Views Shares /Retweets
LinkedIn 39 N/A 0 0 N/A 0
Facebook 504 497 0-1 0 200 0-1
Twitter 213 N/A 0-1 0-1 43 0-1

The information obtained by completing an audit will allow you to develop a social media plan, strategy or campaign of your own.

Now, we understand that coming up with a solid plan and implementing that plan is easier said than done. And when it comes to your business, you don’t want to take any chances; you want to do it right the first time.

That’s where Jester comes in. We have been working in this industry since its infancy. We understand how to use social media to your advantage. Not only can we ensure you reach and engage the right audience, but we will also conduct environmental scans, monitor stakeholder communications and social conversations, which will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of any issue or event that may affect your business.

If social media is a tool, then we suggest putting it into the hands of trained, skilled professionals.
